The Winter Mindset by Josh Palumbo, Forest Management Coordinator. Winter arrived in earnest this year with temperatures plummeting low into the teens for much of early December. Shrinking daylight and plummeting temperatures are the stark realities of winter in the lovely Blue Ridge Mountains. Dreading the long cold of winter is understandable but does not need to dictate your disposition for the next few months.
This Nine Minute Naturalist will delve into the shaping of a winter mindset that will allow you to make the most of our coldest season.

Seasonal Affective Disorder, otherwise known as SAD, is a real issue affecting many, especially as you move further away from the equator. SAD is a type of depression brought on by changes in the season getting worse as daylight decreases in early winter. While Virginians do not suffer terribly from this malady, ranking 31st out of the 50 states for frequency of SAD, winter seasons are long and require a different mindset.
Learning from those that face truly harsh winters is a logical place to begin. Many of the Scandinavian countries rate among the happiest places on earth yet they face months of brutal cold and a long Polar Night where the sun does not rise for 4-6 weeks. Stealing mindset tips from these hardened winter residents is a smart idea.
The best Nordic advice to reshape your winter mindset is to get outside. Vitamin D can come in pill form or you can seek it from the sun. Make a commitment to go outside everyday no matter the weather. Habits such as exercising outside in winter everyday is essential to staving off the effects of SAD.
Wintergreen has almost every option available to you. Thirty miles of hiking trails, miles of cart paths (Devils Knob is closed in the winter, Stoney Creek is still open FYI), and an often-closed Blue Ridge Parkway offer copious options to explore.
One of my favorite must walk trails in winter is the Lower Shamokin Falls Trail. The canopy opens exposing all three levels of this waterfall and below freezing temperatures create fascinating ice formations.
Another trail I love in winter is the Hemlock Springs Trail. This trail dives into a gorge that features rock formations on both sides. When the temps dip below freezing, large ice formations develop covering the rocks in a unique manner.
Another outdoor option is to take up skiing. Forcing yourself to get in runs every morning is a lovely way to force endorphins into your system. If the weather is too cold atop the mountain, force yourself to get in your car and take walk in Stoney Creek. The Stoney Creek Park Trail keeps you beside a babbling brook, which is especially gorgeous when ice formations abound.
Nature is constantly adapting to the season changes; so should we. Deer grow longer coats and seek the warm east/southeast facing slopes to chew their cud in winter.
Birds find new food sources and grow extra plumage to deal with winter harshness.
We should mimic what we see around us. Make sure you have the proper gear to spend time afield. If able, wake up a bit later to limit the time spent getting ready for your day in the dark mornings of winter.
The last mindset tip to combat the doldrums of winter is to celebrate the season. My wife does not love cold weather but she sure loves hoodie season. From the onset of 50-degree weather she loves her comfy hoodie or turtleneck sweater. She also over decorates our house with Christmas decorations. Celebrations allow us to deal with almost anything for a time.
The Norwegian concept of koselig is the philosophy of coziness, comfort, companionship and enjoying the simple things that aids in thriving in the winter season. The physical toll of low sunlight levels is still present but the mind delves into the positive of the winter.
Do not fight what you know is coming. The dark early mornings, bone chilling winds and icy conditions are coming no matter what. How we thrive in the winter months is up to us. Go hike up a hill and I promise you warmth. Ski down a steep slope and I guarantee you excitement. Embrace your most comfortable hoodie, blanket and favorite movie and extreme coziness awaits. Do not let SAD affect you but change your mindset to enjoy the uniqueness of winter.