Volunteers sorting and planting seeds
Native Plants
Our Plant Propagation Program works to develop and share a broad knowledge of plants native to this area. Team volunteers propagate plants from seeds, cuttings, and division sourced from Wintergreen and neighboring sites. The program promotes the use of native plants in landscaping, and plants propagated by our volunteers are sold in order to support these efforts.
Native Plant Sale Dates 2024
There will be members of the Plant Propagation committee on hand to answer questions.
Saturday, August 31, 9am – 1pm
Saturday, October 5, 9am – 1pm
A new Native Garden Map is for sale at Trillium House
Find the Greenhouse
TNFW’s native plant sale will be held at the greenhouse at 725 Beech Grove Rd, Roseland, VA 22967 (one half-mile west of The Ski Barn on Beech Grove Road – Route 664).

Volunteers working in the greenhouse
Volunteer Opportunity
Starting in March, we begin to work outside to maintain gardens around Trillium House, at the Founder’s Vision Overlook, and at the Lady Bird Johnson Memorial Garden by the golf club. If you are interested in helping us and learning about native plants and gardening, please contact Abigail James at glencoe548@yahoo.com or at (540) 661-9580 and sign up to be a volunteer.
Useful Resources
For more information on native plants, please visit the links below.