Importance of Snags 3-5-25

Nine Minute Naturalist by Josh Palumbo Oak decline, emerald ash borer, hemlock wooly adelgid and a host of comorbidities such as old age has produced a forest with copious amounts of dead or dying trees. While not the ideal state, the death of a tree is the good...

New Year’s Resolution 1-21-2025

New Year’s Resolution by Josh Palumbo, Forest Management Coordinator.Wherever you stand on resolutions, we probably agree that making improvements in our daily life is a worthwhile pursuit. I won’t dare to make suggestions on how to improve your personal life however...

Merry Mistletoe 12-5-24

Merry Mistletoe by Josh Palumbo, Forest Management Coordinator. As the husband of a music teacher and choir director, the Christmas season tends to start earlier than most for me and my household. I fight hard to keep my celebration of the Christmas season to post...

The Winter Mindset 12-13-24

The Winter Mindset  by Josh Palumbo, Forest Management Coordinator. Winter arrived in earnest this year with temperatures plummeting low into the teens for much of early December. Shrinking daylight and plummeting temperatures are the stark realities of winter in the...

A Most Wonderful Legacy 11-27-24

A Most Wonderful Legacy   by Josh Palumbo, Forest Management Coordinator. When I arrived from upstate New York to work in the lovely Blue Ridge Mountains, the first Nature Foundation volunteer I met was Chip Morgan. Arriving with a love for trees and a limited...